Getting Rid of Stretch Marks

May 29, 2008

Getting rid of stretch marks can be difficult and frustrating. Although there are many options for getting rid of stretch marks, it can be tough to choose the best one for you. The three main methods to remove stretch marks are laser surgery, stretch mark cream or a popular home remedy.

The least expensive option is using a natural home remedy to remove stretch marks, many people try this first because of the cost. Apllied to the skin like a lotion, coco butter is the favourite home remedy. Lemon juice is another substance that can be applied. For women with light stretch marks, home remedies can be a good alternative. However, these home remedies will only fade them not eliminate stretch marks.

If you have several stretch marks or you don’t want to wait for them to fade, you should try a cream or a surgery. The most popular option is using a cream, compared to surgery it is less expensive and pain free. There are numerous creams available that are designed for stretch mark removal. How well they work for you depends mainly on your body.

Check the ingredients of the cream to see how they work. The most effective ones will be based on alpha hydroxyl acid (AHA), retinoid, or salicylic acid. Creams will work much quicker than any home remedy, but do not expect results overnight.

There are different surgeries that can help get rid of stretch marks. The most common of these is laser surgery. It works by using lasers to remove the top layer of skin. Other surgery options include dermabrasion or microdermabrasion. Like laser surgery, these options remove the top layer of skin.
Instead of a laser a blade is used. In my experience this is a last resort.

It is not very practical if you have a number of stretch marks, is very expensive and can be painful.
Getting rid of stretch marks can be done, but you need to pick the right treatment for your budget and expected results.

Read our best stretch mark cream reviews to help you make the right choice. One of my top three recommendations is Zenmed Stretta, read my full review here on Zenmed.

How to Remove Stretch Marks

May 19, 2008

Removing stretch marks is something that many people desire. Stretch marks are formed when the skin’s middle layer loses its elasticity. There is no miracle cure to removing stretch marks
the only options are surgery, a designed stretch mark cream and a healthy diet.

Your diet is often overlooked as a big factor on your stretch marks. It is very important to remember to keep your skin hydrated. Drinking plenty of water and eating high water content fruits and vegtables will achieve this. You should avoid or cut down on caffeine, this can be found in coffee, tea and soft drinks.

Nutrional foods containing zinc and vitamin A, C, and D are requied by your body. A healthy diet alone isn’t how to remove stretch marks.

Application of a specific cream or lotion also needs to be used on the skin. These creams are usually available over the counter. A few of these creams are also good at prevention of stretch marks. If you are pregnant or body building discuss with your doctor the creams available for stretch mark prevention.

Laser surgery or dermabrasion are surgical methods available for stretch mark removal, with laser surgery the most common of the two. While effective, it is not for everyone. If you have surgery, expect to pay hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars per session.

For the best results and cost the majority use a specific stretch mark cream, to find out what our independant research showed us read our best stretch mark cream reviews to assist you in becoming stretch mark free.